Votwo Sports Science Lab
Our services are delivered by a team of experts with academic qualifications in sport and exercise science, coaching and medicine.
We are located at the Porsche Experience Centre, Silverstone. The facility includes a sports science laboratory, equipped with state-of-the-art technology. A heat chamber is available for specialist acclimation training for athletes and drivers prior to competing in hot climates.
Cyclists' Assessment
You will receive a detailed report by email post-test with performance analysis and training zones by heart rate and power output as well as some guidance on how to improve your performance through different training methods.
The assessment involves body composition analysis, cycling lactate threshold assessment and a debrief on the results with our sports scientists and coaching team to ensure that the data gathered can be applied to future training. After the assessment, you will receive a detailed report including training zones by heart rate and power output.
It is an extremely useful tool for gaining a benchmark of your current fitness, tracking improvements and improving future performances.
A cyclist’s assessment costs £195. Personalised training programmes and 1-1 coaching is available after the initial assessment.
Triathletes' Assessment
A triathletes’ assessment comprises body composition analysis, a cycling test and running lactate threshold test. After the assessment, you will receive a debrief on the results with our sports scientists and coaching team to ensure that the data gathered can be applied to future training. After the assessment, you will receive a detailed report including training zones by heart rate, power output (for cycling) and speed (for running).
It is an extremely useful tool for gaining a benchmark of your current fitness, tracking improvements and improving future performances.
A triathlete’s assessment costs £295. Personalised training programmes and 1-1 coaching is available after the initial assessment.
Runners' Assessment
The assessment involves body composition analysis, running lactate threshold assessment and a debrief on the results with our sports scientists and coaching team to ensure that the data gathered can be applied to future training. After the assessment, you will receive a detailed report including training zones by heart rate and speed.
It is an extremely useful tool for gaining a benchmark of your current fitness, tracking improvements and improving future performances.
A runner’s assessment costs £195. Personalised training programmes and 1-1 coaching is available after the initial assessment.
Heat Acclimation
Exercising in the heat places huge demands on the human body. Fortunately, by training in a hot environment such as the heat chamber at Porsche Human Performance you can stimulate your body to adapt to the higher temperatures and perform more efficiently.
As little as 5 sessions of 45 minutes to 1 hour in duration can stimulate most of the adaptations your body is capable of achieving and allows you to prepare for competition in a hot environment without leaving the UK.
Competitors in international motorsport, the Marathon Des Sables and Ironman races in Mexico, Hawaii and Lanzarote have all used the chamber to great effect in preparing for their events.
Each session involves 1 hour of exercise in the heat chamber and we offer acclimation packages from 1-10 sessions within 14 days of competing. Costs are £95 per session or £395 for 5 heat acclimation training sessions.
Nutritional Coaching
“To eat is necessity, but to eat intelligently is both an art and a science”
We all know that we need to eat well to achieve great health, performance and body composition; but what exactly is eating well and how can you learn to eat well for the rest of your life?
The Nutritional Coaching Programme includes:
• 8-12 week personal coaching course
• Detailed start and end point assessments (body composition, blood profiles and more)
• Online food diary to monitor progress, marked by your coach with detailed feedback
• Weekly interaction with your nutrition coach
• Training material and use of the state of the art InBody 720 composition analyser
The aim of the coaching programme is for the team at Porsche Human Performance to teach you the art and the science of eating well; focusing on the acquisition of seven simple but highly effective habits that ensure you achieve your individual goals, including weight management and fat loss, building muscle, increasing energy levels and fuelling for sport and exercise.
Nutritional coaching costs £60 / week for a minimum commitment of 8 weeks.
Precision Hydration
When you sweat you lose more than just water. Electrolytes, notably sodium, are also lost and if they are not replaced in the correct amounts performance can deteriorate significantly, especially in very long or hot races.
Human sweat sodium content varies 10 fold in the normal population and despite this most sports drinks simply offer a 1 size fits all approach to the problem of replacing sweat losses, even though this does not work for many athletes.
If you have ever felt your performance fade in hot or long races, suffered from cramps or unexplained drop off in performances it could be just what you need. At Porsche Human Performance you can have your sweat sodium content analysed quickly and accurately and a customised hydration strategy worked out to replace exactly what you are losing.
A customised hydration assessment costs £95.
For further information or to book an assessment at Porsche Human Performance please call 01327 855074 or email php@porsche.co.uk